Share Your Pledge
Would you be interested in owning part of our teams at some point? In order to show our collective intent, tell us how many “shares” you might be interested in buying at $107 each — a nod to Section 107, the ancestral home of the Timbers Army and Rose City Riveters.
This is not a binding commitment nor a promise of any future offering to purchase shares in the club. Only pledge what you could realistically purchase and serve as a symbolic gauge of our intent. Your pledge will allow us to gather names for any future actions and show how determined our supporters are! This will give us a symbolic gauge of the commitment our supporters can make toward ownership of the teams.
Were events to unfold to make this a reality, a legal entity will be formed and shares would be issued in full compliance with SEC and any other legal and financial regulations that would apply.
Other ways to help:
- If you have an interest in volunteering to help the project, email us.
- If you’re not already a member, join the 107IST, the 107 Independent Supporters Trust.
- Use #BuyPTFC on posts and share the site with others to help take our club back!